Blood Donation will cost you nothing, but it will save a life

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Recent Blood Donors

Riku Ray donated blood in Goalpara Civil Hospital on 07/07/2021

Najrul Hussain Khanikar donated blood in Jorhat Niramoy Hospital on 06/07/2021

Rupam Das donated blood in AMCH Dibrugarh on 20/07/2021

Abhijit Sarkar donated blood in Guwahati GMCH on 15/08/2021

Sajid Papu Ali donated blood in Guwahati GMCH on 15/08/2021

Nilotpal Malakar donated blood in Guwahati Name Care Hospital on 23/08/2021

About the Founder and Author

“Raktakanika: A Journey of Blood Donation and Saving Lives”

Hello! My name is Mrs. Himardri Gogoi Borah. I am a housewife and a mother of two adorable children. I hail from Dibrugarh and currently reside in Guwahati, Assam. I have always had a strong desire to help people in some way, and I found blood donation to be the simplest and most effective way to make a difference. In 2014, I made the decision to join a donor’s group, and I was truly astonished by the struggles people faced while trying to arrange a few drops of blood for their loved ones.

In the age of social media, I came across numerous posts related to blood donation. Being new to this field, I tried my best and was able to assist some people. Despite my busy schedule as a homemaker, I started dedicating more time to this noble cause. The more I got involved, the more lives I was able to save. This realization motivated me to do even more.

Over time, my involvement grew, and I found myself dedicating more and more time to this cause. With each passing day, the number of people I was able to help kept increasing. Finally, on August 31, 2017, I took the initiative to establish my own blood donor’s group called “RAKTAKANIKA.” I single-handedly started this project, and over the years, it has expanded tremendously with more people joining hands to work for this noble cause. Presently, our group consists of over 16,000 members.

The primary objective behind Raktakanika is to save as many lives as possible. I firmly believe that no one should have to struggle to arrange even a few drops of blood. To further this cause, we also conduct awareness programs across Assam, primarily targeting the youth. We believe that young people, above 18 years of age, are the most relevant group when it comes to blood donation.

As mentioned earlier, I am a housewife deeply involved in my family life. Nevertheless, I am committed to carrying on with this great cause as it brings immense happiness. Both my work and that of the donors are voluntary, and together, we are taking a significant step towards humanity.

Raktakanika is not just a platform for blood donation; it is a journey of compassion, empathy, and hope. Together, we strive to make a positive impact in the lives of those in need. Join us in this noble endeavor and help us save more lives.”


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Some Health Benefits of Donating Blood

Giving blood can reveal potential health problems

Giving blood can reduce harmful iron stores

Giving blood may lower your risk of suffering a heart attack

Giving blood may reduce your risk of developing cancer

Giving blood can help your liver stay healthy

Giving blood can help your mental state

Blood donation helps to maintain healthy liver

Stimulates Blood Cell Production

Donation of blood, burns calories & helps in weight loss

Life is in blood – donate Blood – give life.
